mitt romney family dog strapped roof car

romney strapped dog to roof of car | The Dogington Post.
Ann Romney To Diane Sawyer On Tying Family Dog To The Car.
Romney - RationalWiki.
Apr 16, 2012. famous dog Mitt Romney once admitted to tying to the roof of the car on family . Sawyer On Tying Family Dog To The Car Roof: 'The Dog Loved It' ... WH the same way as the dog liked being strapped to the roof at 70 mph, .
Jan 13, 2012. Romney's travels with his Irish setter, Seamus, have become the stuff of legend. . up to Canada, strapped Seamus to the roof of his car in a kennel.. The Obama family's new dog, Bo, made his public debut in April 2009.
Jan 12, 2012. In 1983, Mitt Romney put the family dog, Seamus the Irish Setter, into a carrier that he tied to the roof of his car for a twelve-hour drive to .
Apr 17, 2012. Mitt and Ann Romney spoke to ABC 's Diane Sawyer for their first joint. The dog, who was in a carrier strapped to the roof of the family car .
Aug 14, 2012. Barack Obama plays with his dog Bo (White House). presidential nominee Mitt Romney for strapping his dog to the roof of his car.. been riding on the roof of the family's station wagon for hours during a family trip in 1983.
PolitiFact | Pundits statements.
Devo to unleash song about Mitt Romney's dog | Music |
Mar 7, 2012. Seamus the dog has become a kind of political icon, thanks to Mitt Romney. drove to Canada with the family Irish setter on the roof of the car.
Aug 15, 2012. Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! mocks the Republican presidential candidate by documenting the time he strapped the family dog to his car roof .
mitt romney family dog strapped roof car
Obama Ate Dog as a Kid. Romney Strapped His on the Roof of a.Rachel Maddow: Mitt Romney's Dog Story Could Be Dangerous For.
Apr 20, 2012. The article hoped to divert ridicule from Mitt Romney for strapping the family pet dog, Seamus, to the roof of a car on a family trip. The problem .
Ann Romney: Dog Loved Riding Atop Family Car - But Mitt wouldn't.
Mitt Romney "drove to Canada with the family dog Seamus strapped to the roof of the car." Ed Schultz · Half-True · Liberal think tank looks just at benefits, not .
Jun 29, 2007. Did Romney's Dog Suffer on Car Roof? It's the true story of Mitt Romney's 1983 family vacation, according to an. All kidding aside, what exactly would be the dangers of strapping the family pet to the roof of a speeding .
Jan 9, 2012. The original story claimed that Mitt Romney strapped his dog to the roof of the car in a crate and drove the family 12-hours to Canada. Along the .